When I think of rant I think angry; This isn't that. I just thought I'd lay all my cards on the table.
I started this blog a couple of years ago and as you can tell I didn't keep it up. It's not that I didn't want to blog it's just life seemed to get in the way. I started an apprenticeship and got massively behind on coursework so I had to make the choice to give my blog the boot and focus on work. I wasn't too pleased as I really enjoyed writing my blog, reading the comments... there's no feeling quite like knowing people have actually taken the time out of their day to read what you have written and have enjoyed it. Its a nice sense of appreciation and worth (if that makes sense)
Another thing that also took a backseat was my reading of blogs and there's nothing I enjoyed more than reading what other people had written and seeing their views and opinions of things and its a great way for me to see what new products I may like and would be worth buying.
Back to the present day I remembered how much I enjoyed blogging and decided I would give my blog another go; I deleted all previous posts to start afresh. I gave myself the target of posting every other day- two weeks in and I feel like I have already failed for three simple reasons:
1. I set myself an unrealistic target
Posting every other day is far too much for me personally (I truly admire those who post every day!) It's definitely not easy when you are juggling writing with work and life. Setting this target has made me rush posts on more than a few occasions and I've posted posts that I'm not entirely happy with just because I felt the pressure of posting on time
2. I compare myself to other bloggers
I find myself scrolling through other peoples blogs in awe. The perfect photography, the lengthy posts, the way the writer seems to know exactly what they're doing and where they're going with their blog. I don't seem to take into account that they've been blogging for far longer than me, the struggles they have with their blog and the fact that blogging could be their full time job.
3. Writers block
Arghhhh- There is nothing more frustrating and I've been having this a lot recently, I just can't seem to find something I'm good at writing about or something that I feel would interest you. I rake my brains trying to think of something and the longer I don't come up with an idea, the foggier my brain feels. I seem to be blogging for other people and not myself which completely sucks and I'm determined to change that.
Going forward (just realised how formal I sound) I have decided that I am going to post once a week... I'm going to set my schedule for 4pm Thursdays (fingers crossed I've found something I can stick to)
I'm going to blog for me- writing about what I want to write about and not what I think I should be writing about.
The final thing I'm going to do is not compare my blog to others so unfortunately my photos may not look professional and the topics may be all over the place (I do apologise) but please stick with it...
Do you have any struggles with your blog or am I completely alone on this?