
Monday, 27 March 2017

Life Tips

Happy Monday! (said no one ever) just four more days until the weekend again- Yay
I hope you had a fantastic weekend and treated your mum for Mother's Day. I'm sure whatever you did was greatly appreciated whether it was bringing her breakfast in bed or taking her somewhere for the day.

 So I had a really chilled Sunday evening and I thought to myself:
'Hey wouldn't it be a great idea to tell everyone a bunch of tips that (unless they're like me) wont help their lives in any way, shape or form'

You're Welcome!

1. Watch Grimm
A few weeks ago I happened to stumble across Grimm on Netflix and by the second episode I was hooked- It's a series that I can easily binge watch (one of my specialities) although I should probably advise you not to as I have a had a few very late nights as most episodes end on a cliff-hanger. I can't really explain what it is about and any explanation I give definitely wouldn't do it justice- I think you just need to watch an episode and make your own decision on it (I must warn you it sometimes gets quite gory and I've found myself watching it from behind my hands at some points)

2. Put your credit card in your purse
I am an extremely lazy person when it comes to my card in the sense that if I pay with my card I will either put it back in my pocket or just in my bag pocket (anything for an easy life) but this comes at a great cost. If you are a normal person then you have the risk of someone easily being able to steal your card BUT if you're like me you have the risk of sitting/leaning on your pocket and accidently bending/snapping your card (it's happened multiple times- I never learn)

3. Blog in the daytime
It is currently 01:11, I have work in 7 hours, my eyes are stinging from tiredness and I am sitting in bed typing away on my laptop. Is it worth it? no. Blogging when tired will guarantee a ridic amount of mistakes in the post, Its not going to be your best content and you'll be cursing yourself when you have to wake up tired in the morning.

4. Say Yes to things
Its very easy to say no to things and if you're anything like me you start to get into the habit of saying no. Saying yes to things means more chances of making memories, pushing you out of your comfort zone or if you're anything like me, it can get you fitter (I said yes to going jogging. I hate jogging. Major regrets) Regret the things you don't do, not the things you did. Plus if you say no too much you'd probably start to get major FOMO.

If you've made it this far in the post, comment any pointless tips or 'life hacks' you have.

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